Nigerian Air Force attack helicopter

Malik Yahya/

A military fighter jet reportedly targeting the Islamic State in West African Province (ISWAP) terrorist group, yesterday, wrongly hit a civilian population in Yobe State, allegedly recording many casualties.

NewsmakersNG learned that the incident happened in Buhari Village in Yunusari Local Government Area of the state.

Spokesman of the Nigerian Air Force, Air Commodore Edward Gabkwet, said last night that the air force was investigating the bombing.

Also, a statement issued by the Yobe State government says Governor Mai Mala Buni has “commiserated with families of those who lost their lives in the unfortunate air strike on Buhari village in Yunusari council”.

According to the statement, the governor said although the development could have been an accident or mistaken target, the government would join hands with the security agencies to unravel the root cause of the incident.

Buni also directed his Special Adviser on Security Affairs to liaise with the Nigeria Airforce and the Multi-National Joint Task Force to look into the Air strike.

“Government will work closely with the security forces especially, the Nigeria Airforce to establish what actually happened.

“This is very important and necessary for us to guard against future occurrence and to safeguard the lives of our people,” the statement quotes the governor as saying.

Buni also directed government hospitals in Geidam and Damaturu to offer free medical services to those who sustained injuries from the air strike.

“Similarly, the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) has been directed to provide relief materials to cater for the immediate needs of the families of the deceased persons and other members of the community,” the statement says.


By Editor

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